Profile of Pondok Pesantren Al-Khoirot

Pondok Pesantren Al-Khoirot, located in Malang, East Java, Indonesia, is a well-established Islamic boarding school known for its combination of trad

Profile of Pondok Pesantren Al-Khoirot

Pondok Pesantren Al-Khoirot, located in Malang, East Java, Indonesia, is a well-established Islamic boarding school known for its combination of traditional (salaf) and modern educational systems. Here are key points about Pesantren Al-Khoirot:

  • History: Founded in 1963 by KH. Muhammad Syuhud Zayyadi, it has grown to become one of the oldest pesantrens in Malang Raya and East Java. It has been led by various figures from the family of the founder, maintaining a strong lineage and tradition.
  • Educational System: Al-Khoirot operates a dual system of education where students (santri) are taught both traditional Islamic sciences using classic texts (kitab kuning) and modern formal education. The pesantren offers formal education from junior high (MTs) to senior high (MA) levels, recognized by the Indonesian government, alongside Islamic studies through the Madrasah Diniyah system.
  • Curriculum: The curriculum includes intensive study of Islamic texts in Arabic, memorization of the Quran, Arabic language both classical and modern, and various Islamic sciences like fiqh, tafsir, hadith, and theology. Additionally, they have introduced programs like Tahfidz Al-Quran for Quran memorization and Bahasa Arab Modern for conversational Arabic.
  • Philosophy and Vision: The pesantren aims to produce scholars who are well-versed in both Islamic and general sciences, with a strong emphasis on character development based on Islamic values (Iman, Ilmu, Akhlak, Aswaja). It focuses on creating individuals who are both religious scholars and scientists, promoting the concept of "ilmuwan-ulama dan ulama-ilmuwan".
  • Facilities and Programs: Al-Khoirot offers extensive facilities including dormitories, formal schools, mosques, and libraries. It also runs special programs like short courses (Pesantren Kilat), and has initiatives for adult learners (Santri Dewasa). There's also a special focus on separating male and female students, ensuring a safe and focused educational environment.
  • Affiliation: Culturally, it aligns with Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), emphasizing the Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah (Aswaja) creed, but it maintains a non-partisan political stance.
  • Community and Outreach: The pesantren is known for its efforts in community outreach, including education for the underprivileged, with very affordable fees to ensure access to quality Islamic education for all. It also has initiatives like the Al-Khoirot Foundation to support its educational endeavors.

Al-Khoirot has positioned itself as a beacon for those seeking a comprehensive Islamic education that respects traditional teachings while embracing modern educational practices.

Short info of Al-Khoirot

  • Founded: February Year 1963 AD / Ramadan 1382 AH
  • Founder: Kyai Haji (KH) Muhammad Syuhud Zayyadi and Nyai Hajjah (Ny. Hj.) Masluha Muzakki
  • Official website: