Minhaj al-Talibin by Imam Nawawi English Translation

Minhaj al-Talibin by Imam Nawawi English Translation Author: Imam Nawawi Field of study: sharia, Islamic law, fiqh, Islamic jurisprudence

Minhaj al-Talibin by Imam Nawawi

Book title: Minhaj at-Talibin English translation

Original Title of book: Minhaj al-Talibin wa Umdat al-Muftin (منهاج الطالبين وعمدة المفتين في الفقه)
Author: Imam Nawawi
Full name: Imam Muhyiddin Abi Zakariyya Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi (أبو زكريا يحيى بن شرف بن مُرِّيِّ بن حسن بن حسين بن محمد جمعة بن حِزام الحزامي النووي الشافعي)
Born: Muharram 631 AH/ October 1233 Nawa, Ayyubid Sultanate
Died: 24 Rajab 676 AH [9]/ 21 December 1277 (age 45) Nawa, Mamluk Sultanate
Resting place: Nawa, present Syria
Translated into English by: E. C. HOWARD
Field of study: sharia, Islamic law, fiqh, Islamic jurisprudence of Shafi'i's school of thought
Type of literature dan reference: classical Arabic


  1. Download Minhaj's English Translation
  2. Introduction
  3. Book 1: Purity (Tahara)
    1. Chapter I  General  provisions     
    2. Chapter II  Causes  of  slight  corporal  impurity     
    3. Chapter III  Ablution     
    4. Chapter  IV  Moistening  of  foot-gear     
    5. Chapter  V  Bathing  
    6. Chapter  VI  Things  impure  in  themselves     
    7. Chapter  VII  Ablution  with  sand    
    8. Chapter  VIII  Menstruation  
  4. Book 2: Prayer  (Salah)
    1. Chapter I  General  provisions     
    2. Chapter  II  Manner  of  prayer     
    3. Chapter  III  Conditions  for  the  validity  of  prayer     
    4. Chapter  IV  Expiatory  prostration     
    5. Chapter  V  Prostrations  for  reading  the  Koran,  and  for thanksgiving     
    6. Chapter  VI  Supererogatory  prayer 
  5. Book 3: Public  Prayer  (Salat al-Jama'ah)
    1. Chapter I  General  provisions     
    2. Chapter II  Prayer  on  a journey
    3. Chapter III  Public  prayer  on  Fridays 
    4. Chapter IV  Prayer  in  case  of  danger     
    5. Chapter V  Public  prayer  at  the  two  great  festivals  of  the  year   
    6. Chapter VI  Prayer  on  the  occasion  of  eclipses     
    7. Chapter VII  Prayer  in  time  of  drought     
    8. Chapter VIII  Intentional  omission  of  prescribed  prayers    
  6. Book 4:  Funeral  Ceremonies  (Jenaza)  
    1. Section 1: Wrapping the Corpse    
    2. Section 2: Prayer  for  the  corpse
    3. Section 3: The more  competent  to  be  imam  in  the  prayer  for  the  corpse
  7. Book 5:  Alms  Contribution,  or  Charity  Tax  (Zakat)
    1. Chapter I  Assessment  on  cattle     
    2. Chapter II  Assessment  on  produce     
    3. Chapter III  Assessment  on  gold  and  silver     
    4. Chapter IV  Assessment  on  mines,  treasure  and  merchandise   
    5. Chapter V  Payment  at  the  end  of  the  fasting  month    
    6. Chapter VI  Persons  and  objects  liable  to  assessment   
  8. Book 6: Fasting  (Shaum, Shiyam)
    1. Chapter I  General  provisions  
    2. Chapter II  Supererogatory  fasting
  9. Book 7: Religious  Retirement  (I'tikaf)
    1. Section 1:  General Provisions
    2. Section 2:  Vowed I'tikaf
  10. Book 8: Pilgrimage  (Hajj)
    1. Chapter I  General  provisions  
    2. Chapter II  Stations   
    3. Chapter III  Ihram , or  state  of  consecration  
    4. Chapter IV  Entry  into  Mecca  
    5. Chapter V  Actions  forbidden  during  ihram  
    6. Chapter VI  Causes  that  prevent  the  accomplishment  of  the pilgrimage 
  11. Book 9: Sale  or  Barter  (Bai' / Buyu')
    1. Chapter I  General  provisions  
    2. Chapter II  Illicit  gain  
    3. Chapter III  Other  illicit  sales  
    4. Chapter IV  Right  of  option  or  cancellation
    5. Chapter  V  Property  sold,  before  the  purchaser  has  taken possession  
    6. Chapter VI  Simple  transfer ; part  transfer ; transfer  at  a profit, or  at  a loss  
    7. Chapter VII  Sale  of  trees,  fruit,  and  standing  crops
    8. Chapter VIII  Disputes  between  vendor  and  purchaser
    9. Chapter IX  Slaves
  12. Book 10: Sale  by  Advance  (Salam)
  13. Book 11: Pledge  or  Security  (Rahn)
  14. Book 12: Bankruptcy,  etc  (Taflis)
    1. Chapter I  Bankruptcy  
    2. Chapter II  Incapacity  of  lunatics,  minors,  and  spendthrifts  
    3. Chapter III  Compromise,  and  right  of  way  
    4. Chapter IV  Transference  of  debts   
    5. Chapter V  Guaranty  
  15. Book 13: Partnership  (Shirkah)
  16. Book 14: Principal  and  Agent  (Wakalah)
  17. Book 15: Admission  (Ikrar)
  18. Book 16: Loan  (Aariya)
  19. Book 17: Usurpation  (Ghasb)
  20. Book 18: Pre-emption  (Shuf'ah)
  21. Book 19: Joint-stock  Companies  (Qirad)
  22. Book 20: Farming  Leases  (Musaqat)
  23. Book 21: Contract  of  Hiring  (Ijara)
  24. Book 22: Occupation  of  Land,  etc  (Ihya al-Mawat)   
  25. Book 23: Endowment  (Waqaf)
  26. Book 24: Gifts  (Hibah)
  27. Book 25: Things  pound  (Luqatah)
  28. Book 26: Foundlings  (Laqit)
  29. Book 27: Job-Work  (Ju'alah)
  30. Book 28: Distribution  of  Estates  (Faraid)
  31. Book 29: Wills  (Wasaya)
  32. Book 30: Deposits  (Wadiya)
  33. Book 31: Distribution  of  the  Profits  of  War  and  of  Booty  (Qasm al-Fai' wa al-Ganimah)
  34. Book 32: Distribution  of  the  Proceeds  of  the  Tax  (Qasm al-Sadaqat)  
  35. Book 33: Marriage  (Nikah)
    1. Chapter I  General  provisions  
    2. Chapter  II  Prohibited  marriages
    3. Chapter III  Marriage  of  infidels
    4. Chapter IV Right of option;  ifaf : and  marriage  between slaves 
  36. Book 34: Dower  (Sadaq)  
  37. Book 35: Sharing  of  the  Husband’s  Favours,  and  Disobedience  of Wives  (Kesm  wa  nushuz)
  38. Book 36: Divorce  (Khulu')  
  39. Book 37: Repudiation  (Talak)
  40. Book 38: Return  to  Conjugal  Union  (Raj'ah)
  41. Book 39: Oath  of  Continency  (Ila)
  42. Book 40: Injurious  Comparison  (Dhihar)
  43. Book 41: Expiation,  with  regard  to  Injurious  Comparison  (Kafara)
  44. Book 42: Imprecation  (Lian)
  45. Book 43: Period  of  Legal  Retirement  (Iddah)
  46. Book 44: Period  of  Waiting  of  a Slave  (Istibra) 
  47. Book 45: Relationship  by  Fosterage  (Rada'ah)  
  48. Book 46: Maintenance  (Nafakat)
  49. Book 47: Crimes  against  the  Person  (Jirah)
    1. Chapter I  General  provisions  
    2. Chapter II  Punishment  under  the  law  of  talion,  and  the persons  who  can  demand  its  application    
  50. Book 48:    Price  of  Blood  (Diya)
    1. Chapter I General  provisions    
    2. Chapter II Obligation  to  pay  the  price  of  blood ; the aakila  ; and  expiation     
  51. Book 49: Procedure  in  Cases  of  Crimes  against  the  Person  (Dawa)    
  52. Book 50: Rebels  (Bughat) 
  53. Book 51: Apostasy  (Ridda)  
  54. Book 52: Fornication  (Zina) 
  55. Book 53: Defamation  (Hadd  al- Qazf)  
  56. Book 54: Crimes  punishable  with  Amputation  (Qath' al-Sariqah)
    1. Chapter I  Theft  
    2. Chapter II  Brigands
  57. Book 55:   Forbidden  Beverages  ; and  Punishment  at  the  Discretion  of the  Court (Ashriba)  
  58. Book 56:   Excusable  Homicide  and  Wounding  ; and  Responsibility  for Damage  (Sial  wa  daman  al  wulat)   
  59. Book 57:   Military  Expeditions  (Siyar)    
  60. Book 58:   Poll-tax  (Jizya)
    1. Chapter  I  General  provisions     
    2. Chapter  II  Armistices     
  61. Book 59: Hunting  and  Slaughter  of  Animals  (Sayd  wa  dabah)
  62. Book 60: Sacrifices  (Udhiya)     
  63. Book 61: Eatables  (Al-Ath'imah)   
  64. Book 62: Racing  and  Shooting  Competitions  (Musabaqa  wa  Munadala)    
  65. Book 63: Oaths  (Yamin)
  66. Book 64: Vows  (Nazr)    
  67. Book 65: Administration  of  Justice  (Qada)
    1. Chapter  I General  provisions     
    2. Chapter II Judgments  by  default     
    3. Chapter III  Distribution  of  estates (Qismah)  
  68. Book 66: Evidence  of  Witnesses  (Shahadat)  
  69. Book 67:   Procedure  ( Daawa  wa  beyyinat)
  70. Book 68:   Simple  Manumission  (Itiq)  
  71. Book 69:   Testamentary  Manumission  (Tadbir)     
  72. Book 70:   Enfranchisement  by  Contract  (Kitaba)    
  73. Book 71:   Freedom  on  Account  of  Maternity  (Ummahat al-Awlad)
  74. Glossary  of  Arabic  Words  and  Names 
  75. Subject Index 


  1. Minhaj al-Talibin English Translation
  2. Arabic version of kitab Minhaj al-Talibin

