Minhaj al-Talibin by Imam Nawawi English Translation
Minhaj al-Talibin by Imam Nawawi English Translation Author: Imam Nawawi Field of study: sharia, Islamic law, fiqh, Islamic jurisprudence
Book title: Minhaj at-Talibin English translation
Original Title of book: Minhaj al-Talibin wa Umdat al-Muftin (منهاج الطالبين وعمدة
المفتين في الفقه)
Author: Imam Nawawi
Full name: Imam Muhyiddin Abi
Zakariyya Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi (أبو زكريا يحيى بن شرف بن مُرِّيِّ بن حسن
بن حسين بن محمد جمعة بن حِزام الحزامي النووي الشافعي)
Born: Muharram 631
AH/ October 1233 Nawa, Ayyubid Sultanate
Died: 24 Rajab 676 AH [9]/ 21
December 1277 (age 45) Nawa, Mamluk Sultanate
Resting place: Nawa,
present Syria
Translated into English by: E. C. HOWARD
Field of
study: sharia, Islamic law, fiqh, Islamic jurisprudence of Shafi'i's school of
Type of literature dan reference: classical Arabic
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- Introduction
- Book 1: Purity (Tahara)
- Chapter I General provisions
- Chapter II Causes of slight corporal impurity
- Chapter III Ablution
- Chapter IV Moistening of foot-gear
- Chapter V Bathing
- Chapter VI Things impure in themselves
- Chapter VII Ablution with sand
- Chapter VIII Menstruation
- Book 2: Prayer (Salah)
- Chapter I General provisions
- Chapter II Manner of prayer
- Chapter III Conditions for the validity of prayer
- Chapter IV Expiatory prostration
- Chapter V Prostrations for reading the Koran, and for thanksgiving
- Chapter VI Supererogatory prayer
- Book 3: Public Prayer (Salat al-Jama'ah)
- Chapter I General provisions
- Chapter II Prayer on a journey
- Chapter III Public prayer on Fridays
- Chapter IV Prayer in case of danger
- Chapter V Public prayer at the two great festivals of the year
- Chapter VI Prayer on the occasion of eclipses
- Chapter VII Prayer in time of drought
- Chapter VIII Intentional omission of prescribed prayers
- Book 4: Funeral Ceremonies (Jenaza)
- Section 1: Wrapping the Corpse
- Section 2: Prayer for the corpse
- Section 3: The more competent to be imam in the prayer for the corpse
- Book 5: Alms Contribution, or Charity Tax (Zakat)
- Chapter I Assessment on cattle
- Chapter II Assessment on produce
- Chapter III Assessment on gold and silver
- Chapter IV Assessment on mines, treasure and merchandise
- Chapter V Payment at the end of the fasting month
- Chapter VI Persons and objects liable to assessment
- Book 6: Fasting (Shaum, Shiyam)
- Book 7: Religious Retirement (I'tikaf)
- Book 8: Pilgrimage (Hajj)
- Chapter I General provisions
- Chapter II Stations
- Chapter III Ihram , or state of consecration
- Chapter IV Entry into Mecca
- Chapter V Actions forbidden during ihram
- Chapter VI Causes that prevent the accomplishment of the pilgrimage
- Book 9: Sale or Barter (Bai' / Buyu')
- Chapter I General provisions
- Chapter II Illicit gain
- Chapter III Other illicit sales
- Chapter IV Right of option or cancellation
- Chapter V Property sold, before the purchaser has taken possession
- Chapter VI Simple transfer ; part transfer ; transfer at a profit, or at a loss
- Chapter VII Sale of trees, fruit, and standing crops
- Chapter VIII Disputes between vendor and purchaser
- Chapter IX Slaves
- Book 10: Sale by Advance (Salam)
- Book 11: Pledge or Security (Rahn)
- Book 12: Bankruptcy, etc (Taflis)
- Chapter I Bankruptcy
- Chapter II Incapacity of lunatics, minors, and spendthrifts
- Chapter III Compromise, and right of way
- Chapter IV Transference of debts
- Chapter V Guaranty
- Book 13: Partnership (Shirkah)
- Book 14: Principal and Agent (Wakalah)
- Book 15: Admission (Ikrar)
- Book 16: Loan (Aariya)
- Book 17: Usurpation (Ghasb)
- Book 18: Pre-emption (Shuf'ah)
- Book 19: Joint-stock Companies (Qirad)
- Book 20: Farming Leases (Musaqat)
- Book 21: Contract of Hiring (Ijara)
- Book 22: Occupation of Land, etc (Ihya al-Mawat)
- Book 23: Endowment (Waqaf)
- Book 24: Gifts (Hibah)
- Book 25: Things pound (Luqatah)
- Book 26: Foundlings (Laqit)
- Book 27: Job-Work (Ju'alah)
- Book 28: Distribution of Estates (Faraid)
- Book 29: Wills (Wasaya)
- Book 30: Deposits (Wadiya)
- Book 31: Distribution of the Profits of War and of Booty (Qasm al-Fai' wa al-Ganimah)
- Book 32: Distribution of the Proceeds of the Tax (Qasm al-Sadaqat)
- Book 33: Marriage (Nikah)
- Chapter I General provisions
- Chapter II Prohibited marriages
- Chapter III Marriage of infidels
- Chapter IV Right of option; ifaf : and marriage between slaves
- Book 34: Dower (Sadaq)
- Book 35: Sharing of the Husband’s Favours, and Disobedience of Wives (Kesm wa nushuz)
- Book 36: Divorce (Khulu')
- Book 37: Repudiation (Talak)
- Book 38: Return to Conjugal Union (Raj'ah)
- Book 39: Oath of Continency (Ila)
- Book 40: Injurious Comparison (Dhihar)
- Book 41: Expiation, with regard to Injurious Comparison (Kafara)
- Book 42: Imprecation (Lian)
- Book 43: Period of Legal Retirement (Iddah)
- Book 44: Period of Waiting of a Slave (Istibra)
- Book 45: Relationship by Fosterage (Rada'ah)
- Book 46: Maintenance (Nafakat)
- Book 47: Crimes against the Person (Jirah)
- Chapter I General provisions
- Chapter II Punishment under the law of talion, and the persons who can demand its application
- Book 48: Price of Blood (Diya)
- Chapter I General provisions
- Chapter II Obligation to pay the price of blood ; the aakila ; and expiation
- Book 49: Procedure in Cases of Crimes against the Person (Dawa)
- Book 50: Rebels (Bughat)
- Book 51: Apostasy (Ridda)
- Book 52: Fornication (Zina)
- Book 53: Defamation (Hadd al- Qazf)
- Book 54: Crimes punishable with Amputation (Qath' al-Sariqah)
- Book 55: Forbidden Beverages ; and Punishment at the Discretion of the Court (Ashriba)
- Book 56: Excusable Homicide and Wounding ; and Responsibility for Damage (Sial wa daman al wulat)
- Book 57: Military Expeditions (Siyar)
- Book 58: Poll-tax (Jizya)
- Book 59: Hunting and Slaughter of Animals (Sayd wa dabah)
- Book 60: Sacrifices (Udhiya)
- Book 61: Eatables (Al-Ath'imah)
- Book 62: Racing and Shooting Competitions (Musabaqa wa Munadala)
- Book 63: Oaths (Yamin)
- Book 64: Vows (Nazr)
- Book 65: Administration of Justice (Qada)
- Chapter I General provisions
- Chapter II Judgments by default
Chapter III Distribution of estates (Qismah)
- Book 66: Evidence of Witnesses (Shahadat)
- Book 67: Procedure ( Daawa wa beyyinat)
- Book 68: Simple Manumission (Itiq)
- Book 69: Testamentary Manumission (Tadbir)
- Book 70: Enfranchisement by Contract (Kitaba)
- Book 71: Freedom on Account of Maternity (Ummahat al-Awlad)
- Glossary of Arabic Words and Names
- Subject Index